My name is Dwayne Pivac and I've labeled myself, Web Developer. I love to code scripts to make Interweb life easier. Automation, macros, monitoring, scheduling ... yadda yadda. This is a writings of some random notable (notable from my POV) technica...
Read MoreTo Dos for this Blog TinyMCE stopped working ... I think need a new version? ( yes it's still a "to do" ok Jerry? ) get free self install alt. to TinyMCE with no "only 1000 loads" carnival! (now using Trumbowyg)Fix strikethrough in Trumbowyg - it's ...
Read MoreThese are little candles, called tea lights. Or maybe it's tealight, or the American spelling ... tea-lite? Oh they could be called t-lights? Anyway the point is that they're candles yeah? Where does the 'tea' come in? I have seen the name t-candle...
Read MoreOne of those skull pen things. Just a test for video and subtitles compatibility.
Read MoreMany years back I started building a prototype game, learning Canvas and `requestAnimationFrame`. After already playing with game building apps and game frameworks in JavaScript, I wanted to break free from the restrictions of third party plugins, fr...
Read MoreI don't know, maybe some devs are still using XP? I mean progress went backwards after Windows 95 right? Anyways, add this your Windows XP batch in place if ye olde sleep or wait commands, @ping -n 2 -w 1000 > nul ( where the -n 2 is for...
Read MoreSo I had a copy of Cygwin running (for local web server stuff) and once I had done with it tried to delete it. But no! Windows cannot find the file CON.cif .... oh what? I can see it. It's just there - look Windows, right in front of you! Anyway, I...
Read MoreWhat if the post had no image? What would it look like? What would the people say? Is it normal or is it out of the ordinary? We're so used to having at least one image to help us read and understand our posts right? Well not today Satan!
Read MoreFor my first game (soon to be posted here) !CARDIGAN! I needed to hook into the Steam API, and also give players the option to log in via Steam (in fact it's the only login method I want them to use). I'm a Perl coder, but only found working examp...
Read MoreThe featured image is the Windows Run dialogue. You can fish this up by pressing the windows key and r at the same time. Or find it in your start menu, labelled "Run...". Obviously on "cool" windows and not "user-friendly ui" windows 8 or 10 ... as...
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